Eclipse time in phoenix arizona
Eclipse time in phoenix arizona

eclipse time in phoenix arizona

Because typical albedo differences are not significant between these two land uses, land use characteristics other than albedo are most likely controlling the timing of the temperature minima. (b) Due to the complex mix of land uses and timing of eclipse, marked wind speed changes associated with the eclipse do not appear to be linked directly to land use changes, and, (c) Temperature minima at residential/commercial stations occurred in general, before the minima at stations in agricultural/golf terrains. Variations in thermal response are more closely related to the albedo of the specific land type than to other factors such as thermal admittance but this high correlation is probably an artifact of the combination of other variables such as moisture. Heavily asphalted military sites and irrigated golf courses recorded small decreases in temperature while natural desert terrain experienced the largest decreases. The results include: (a) The magnitude of the change in ambient air temperature during the eclipse is related to land use. Source: Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak and Chris O'Byrne (NASA's GSFC).Measurements taken from a variety of land use environments in and around the Phoenix AZ metropolitan area were compared to determine the effects of various land use characteristics on the thermal response to a reduction of 68% in solar radiation during the solar eclipse of 11 July 1991. We must take into account the altitude of the moon, for example, in Honolulu, Hawaii, due to the low altitude of the Moon (-20 degrees) this lunar eclipse will not be very obvious. You can read the table above as follows: On in Honolulu, Hawaii, Pacific/Honolulu (UTC -10), an penumbral lunar eclipse will start at 05:14, the maximum eclipse will occur at 07:23 when the Moon reaches an altitud of -20° this event will come to an end at 09:32 and will have a penumbral magnitud of 0.964 (this is the fraction of the Moon obscured by the entrance to The Earth's penumbra) and an umbral magnitud of -0.046 (fraction of the Moon obscured by the umbra of The Earth). Moon alt.: Excellent Good Low Too low City For each city we have assigned a time zone which is very precise and it takes into account Daylight Saving Time (if applicable). The following table shows the schedule and phases of the penumbral lunar eclipse of in United States. However, to know the date and exact time of penumbral lunar eclipse in your country, you can see the table below. The date and time displayed in this image are international date and time, therefore, they might not apply to your country.

eclipse time in phoenix arizona eclipse time in phoenix arizona

#Eclipse time in phoenix arizona series

The image details the type of eclipse, the magnitude of the penumbra and umbra, Saros series to which this eclipse belongs, among other data. This image shows the global map with two regions: the shaded region where you can not see the lunar eclipse, and the blank region, where it can be seen. The date and local time of the event shown below. The following shows the cities in United States from which the eclipse could be visible (note that the following is a short list of some of the main cities, the eclipse may be visible from other cities not listed here). According to international time UTC, a lunar eclipse will occur on which will be visible in some parts of the world.

Eclipse time in phoenix arizona