When upgraded once to tier 4, it can kill fleshpounds in 6 shots, or 3 alt fires.
#Killing floor 2 demolitions wiki upgrade
So really think of it as a t4 weapon and upgrade it if you do plan to use it.īelow are takedown examples with a T5 seal squeal: Low ammo pool means it struggles a wee bit with trash zeds and it needs to be upgraded to deal with larges. That being said, it is semi decent at handling both. It's not that good at dealing with trash, it's not that good at dealing with larges. The seal squeal is a weapon with an identity crisis for demo. T5 seal squeal can decap a scrake in 4 shots and fleshpound in 5. T4 seal squeal can decap scrake in 5 shots.High ragdoll force, so zeds killed by the harpoon will get yeeted.Harpoons automatically explode after 4 seconds.Harpoons can detonate at any range, and deals self damage, so be careful!. Explosions deal 250 damage with a radius of 600 units and 1 falloff exponent. Harpoons deal 125 impact damage (yes, less than m79).5 magsize, 30 max spare ammo (35 with lvl25 demo).It was buffed awhile back so that it's actually usable now instead of being garbage tier. The seal squeal fires harpoons with it's primary fire and detonates them remotely with the alt fire. What this means, is that once you take damage that would otherwise kill you outright, you will instead be put to 5 health and explode, killing all nearby trash zeds and dealing damage to larges. Instantly killing most nearby trash in the process. Doors you weld will be glowing orange instead of the usual blue and will deal massive explosive damage when the zeds break them down.
#Killing floor 2 demolitions wiki free
Each team member can get a free grenade from you every wave by simply interacting with you. Supply teammates with a grenade every wave.This does not boost your actual grenade count that you can throw with the grenade key! It's mostly to prevent you from insta gibbing yourself with self damage, since not a lot of zeds utilize explosives. A passive 60% damage reduction to explosives.You get a passive 25% damage boost to all your perk weapon damage.That said and done, let's move on to the basics. The demo is unique in the fact that unlike other classes, he can actually kill the red meanies (pounds) by simply bodyshotting. (the damage all demo weapons do when they connect with a target, think of it as a better version of blunt damage) Below is the third large zed on the list, but he isn't exactly as easy to handle as demo since he resists explosives, but is vulnerable to impact damage.

See those 2 clowns? They are your primary targets and should fear you.

The demo is the king of bodyshotting fleshpounds and quarterpounds, as well as having a good chance against scrakes with headshots. In other words, the big boi hunter for the chaotic trio. This class or perk excels in dealing with large zeds. The Demolitonists (demo) in Killing Floor 2 is the class that specializes in explosives. Now what makes me a good demoman? Well, if I were a bad demoman, I wouldn't be sitting here, discussing it with you now would I! (ok I'll stop with the tf2 references) I say most since there might be some things I might leave out accidentally and if so, I would appreciate if you inform me of it and contribute to a more detailed and better guide. This guide is meant to explain demolitionist mechanics as well as teach most aspects and techniques of the class.