In answer to your question 2, yes apparently the recruited pokemon are treated like pokemon you own. Finding the Eevee's HP value and nailing that in place with Edizon would presumably be easy, but I didn't get around to doing it, my latest run I found an Escape orb on 2F and so once I got my eevee haul on floors 12-15 or so, I just bailed and it worked. These guest Pokemon have HP values but do not have visible values for anything else, so I have no way to see their stats, and as far as I can tell they don't have the power to gain EXP until they are 'finalized' as recruits on dungeon exit. If you 'lose' the dungeon and get KO'd all your fresh recruits that just joined you will jump ship and you do not get to keep them). As far as editing the level of the Eevee, Pokemon recruited in Dungeons are treated as 'Guest' Pokemon until you leave the dungeon in a non-failure manner (escape orb, mission complete, reach the end, etc. The code lets Kangaskhan's storage accrue more items, but doesn't deplete when you take stuff out. And then you can deposit that, and now you have 2. So if you have 1 Joy Seed, for example, you can withdraw it, and you'll then have one in inventory and 1 in vault. It doesn't magic 999 of every item into your vault, but it does make it so when you withdraw items, the numbers don't go down.

The Infinite Item Code doesn't work how I thought it did. On the times it finds a match, it doesn't do anything when I change it, and sometimes it won't find it at all. I spent way longer than I would care to admit with trying to hone in on the Floor # via Edizon and after countless attempts I've given up.
Here's an update a few days later, though: Eh, you're along the same lines of my thinking, so I don't think a bitch slap is in order.