('Starting watcher for to exit'.format(task))

Sys_db_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.SynologyDrive/data/db/sys.sqlite') To work around this issue, I wrote a Python script which scrapes the list of sync directories from the Drive Client SQLite database, sets up watchers for files created within those directories, and every time it detects that a file has been created, it updates the timestamp on the file, which tricks Drive Client into noticing the file and synchronizing it to the NAS.
Even after I explained to them exactly what the problem is and even explained to them how to reproduce it easily, they refused to acknowledge that the behavior is incorrect or commit to fixing it. I reported this problem to Synology Support. The Linux version of the Dropbox Client does not have this bug. The macOS version of Drive Client does not have this bug. When GnuCash saves a modified data file on Linux, it first saves the file under a temporary file name, then deletes the older version of the file with its “real” file name, then creates a hard link from that name to the temporary file, then deletes the temporary file. The root cause of this is actually quite straightforward: on Linux, when a hard link is created within a Drive Client folder, the client does not notice the hard link or upload the file to the NAS. Even worse, if I edited on Linux 1, then edited on Linux 2, then edited on the Mac, I was ending up with three conflicting versions of the data file, with three different sets of changes. I then had to merge these by hand, figuring out all the changes in both files from their common ancestor and merging them into one file to avoid losing data. Then, the next time I edited and saved on Mac, Linux decided there was a conflict between the edited version it had and the updated version sent over from the Mac, so it uploaded its conflicting version onto the NAS, and suddenly I was faced with two different, divergent versions of my GnuCash data file. Unfortunately, I quickly noticed a significant problem: when I edited my GnuCash data on Mac, it was successfully synchronized onto the NAS as soon as I saved it, but when I edited on Linux, it wasn’t. For a long time I was using a shell-script wrapper to sync my GnuCash data file between the computers when launching GnuCash, but I recently decided to store the file on my Synology NAS and synchronize it between computers using Synology Drive Client. I run GnuCash on three different computers: two Linux and one Mac.